May 2013

Thursday, 30 May 2013

5 Best Ways to Make Money by Blogging

This is my first post under the tag “Make Money”. I am not saying everyone, but most of us blogs for money but very few of us made it to the heights. That’s right, making money out of a blog sounds very easy and interesting, and why one should not blog if it can earn only by sitting at home but trust me it’s not an easy job, a lot of hard work goes into that. This article is not about why one should blog but to give them the best ways to monetize their blog if they acquired some good number of visitors to their blog. I experimented a lot on this with my other blogs. You can see that this blog doesn’t contain any ad units only because it’s a new blog and I don’t think it’s the right time to place ads.

Monday, 27 May 2013

What is Google Penguin And What are and its Functions ?

In this article, we are going to discuss and understand the basics about one of the most important Google algorithms update that is Google penguin. Many of us, when surf sites or blogs related to SEO (search engine optimization), blogging, we always get confused with these words which are Panda and Penguin or recover from panda / Penguin. When you through the article, you will gain their basics or I mean to say what actually they are? So, let’s start with Penguin itself.

Google Penguin- Google Penguin is an algorithm update as Google Panda (Panda Aimed in do wn ranking websites which provided poor user experience). Now the first question which arises in our mind is what is algorithm update? Don’t worry, I have written my previous post about “search algorithms” kindly go through it once.

What are Google Search Algorithms And Their Functions?

In this article, we are going to discuss Google search algorithm. Many of us wonder that how search on Google works. We type a keyword or phrase related to our search and hit enter and within a fraction of second, Google revert to us with best possible matches what we want. Google provides us with most relevant content according to the page rank; this page rank is associated with search algorithms. I would not go in deep about ‘how search works’ but simply wants to make you understand that what actually Google 
search algorithms means?

What are Google search algorithms?

Friday, 24 May 2013

How to Adjust / Remove Margins From Blogger (Blogspot) Blog ?

Like me, many of us started blogging by creating our blog with blogger (blogspot) blog. Blogger provides us with different template styles, live editing, current stats and much more but if you are not satisfied with your template margins or if they hampers your blog looks, If you want to adjust them or remove them completely but don’t want to mess up with your template’s html code, Then this tutorial is definitely for you as today’s tutorial is about adjusting or completely removing margins from your blogger (blogspot) blog by just adding a CSS code.
You can see my template, I don't like margins that's why i removed them.

How to adjust or remove margins between your post and tabs (Pages) section?

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

How to Check Backlinks of Your Blog ?

We have always talked on different topics regarding Backlinks in SEO category of this blog. We have understood backlinks, their definitions, types and other major details which are important with respect to SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Now today we are going to discuss different Backlinks checker tools which are available online.

Why we need backlink checker tools ? 

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

How And Why to Add "Nofollow" Attributes to a Link ?

Browsing different SEO articles on backlinks, inbound links, linkjuice etc on different blogs, You definitely come across these two words which are “dofollow” and “nofollow” as these two are very common words related to SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). I have already covered this topic, If you are new to this kindly read the below article for your better understanding.

Monday, 20 May 2013

What is Linkjuice, And What are it's Importance ?

We have covered different topics in SEO such as Backlinks, Now we have to understand another important topic of SEO, that is Linkjuice. Most of us heard this word many times reading SEO blogs, forums, blogging related article but this word sounds very confusing, till we understand it, For understanding it you must have basic knowledge of backlinks, which you can get by reading my below post.
 Now let’s come to original topic that is “Linkjuice”.

Friday, 17 May 2013

Backlinks [Case Study]

In this Case Study article we are going to discuss different aspects of Backlinks such as it’s definition, importance, types and ways to build them. so, let’s start from backlink itself.

Backlinks- In one sentence ‘Backlinks’ are defined as incoming links to our blog(website) or webpage from other websites or blogs. When someone read your article and if he liked the same and produced a content related to the same topic on their blog, they links back that content to your webpage, that’s called a backlink. Still confused, Let’s take an example suppose Mr. A writes a post in his blog about Backlinks, When Mr. B goes through that article, founds good and publishes a content related to Backlinks on his own blog, giving the link of Mr. A post. Ex- source (blogution). If we assume bloglution as another website.

Different Types of Backlinks

First and foremost before link building we have to keep in mind that links coming to our site are quality backlinks or not. Many times i have written that quality is important rather than  quantity in terms of Backlinks building. Today we will discuss different types of Backlinks which are "dofollow" and "nofollow".It’s always advised that you should keep building quality dofollow backlinks regarding better SEO and traffic for your website.

Whenever you lands at any backlinks page, you heard many times the word “quality” before them. So, first let’s get understand what actually a quality backlink is ?

5 Best Ways to Build Quality Backlinks.

We all know that Backlinks are very important part of SEO (search engine optimization). If you are new to this, please read my previous articles about Backlinks and their importance, Now next we have to concentrate on best Backlinks building methods or how to build Backlinks ? If you Google for Backlinks building, you can find thousands of automated Backlink building tools which guarantees you to provide your blog with Backlinks as many as you want in a single click. Some of these automated tools are free and some are paid which provides you backlinks from high PR sites. Sites which provides free backlinks from poor sites decreses your rankings, hence deacreses your site performance. Different Paid sites which offers backlinks are detected and penalized by Google.

Now let’s discuss 5 easiest and best ways to build quality backinks:-

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Importance of Backlinks

Backlink, a word which is familiar to most of us, as when surfing blogging or SEO sites we definitely come across it but it sounds very confusing to many of us or we can say to newbie bloggers. I have already tried to make you understand what actually a backlink is ? in my previous article. Now we have to understand, what are their importance in SEO (search engine optimization) ?

let’s describe the importance of Backlinks

Sunday, 12 May 2013

What is Backlink ?

Friends today i’ll try to make you understand what actually a backlink is ? but in simple words. So, Let’s start.

Whenever we hover over internet for searching some SEO tips n tricks or reading ‘blogging’ and ‘how to blog article’ we always come to certain words which is very confusing when some pro or part time bloggers talk about Backlinks, Link juice, How to build backlinks etc. So first we have to understand about Backlinks, then their importance and finally how to build them. So, todays article will focuses only on definations and understanding of Backlinks.

Brief Description

Backlinks- In one sentence ‘Backlinks’ are defined as incoming links to our blog(website) or webpage from other websites or blogs. When someone read your article and if he liked the same and

Friday, 10 May 2013

What is Reddit & How to Submit Links or Text Posts to Reddit ?

Friends we all know that there is a long list of social media and bookmarking sites available to us but in that long list, some of them stand out because of their qualities and usefulness. Reddit is the one among those. So. Let’s see What Reddit is ?
Reddit- A social news and entertainment site founded by 'Steve Huffman and Alexix  Ohanian'. In Reddit registered users submit content’s (either links or text), then other users can vote submissions up or down which in tern improves or downgrade it’s position on front page or site pages. Reddit not only used for sharing or bookmarking useful contents but also used to get different people’s opinion about a topic. Not only that Reddit has something for everyone as it contains large no of categories under which a post can be published.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

How to Submit Articles to Ezinearticles?

We all know that when quality articles are presented before viewers through different mediums on internet, gives our blog greater publicity. which tends it’s readers to visit our blog for similar articles on whatever topic they are, not only that they would definitely gives some backlinks to your blog. The whole thing revolves around two points :-

   (1)    Writing quality articles which appeals it’s readers to finish it.

   (2)    Serving these articles before readers through different mediums.

Today we are going to talk about point no 2 i.e   different mediums to serve these articles.

Ezinearticles is referred to as the best way for presenting your articles before world viewers. So let’s discuss about Ezinearticles & how to submit your articles to them.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

What is Delicious & How to Add Links or Bookmarks to Delicious ?

Friends, Delicious is another great social media & bookmarking web service which is very helpful for us. So, Let’s see what delicious is? How it is beneficial for us ? & definitely how to use it ?

Delicious- Delicious (formerly, pronounced as “delicious”) is a social bookmarking site used for storing, sharing, & discovering web bookmarks. Instead of saving bookmarks in our computer we are going to save them to web & access them anywhere over internet. Bookmarking uses tags which help us to save, organize our favorite sites. Not only this we can see bookmarks of other members & share them. The whole idea of social media encircles only one common aim of getting fast & huge amount of quality traffic. When our blog posts or articles gets more & more bookmarks, it promotes our blog & provides us with quality traffic.

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

What is Digg & How to Submit Your Blog post / Articles to Digg ?

Hello friends, Today we are going to learn “How to Submit Your Blog/Articles to Digg”.

Digg – Digg is a social news site which contains different quality articles on different social topics, blog posts or different web pages which a reader can promote. So now it’s clear to you that for bloggers, Digg holds a top position in supplying quality & good amount of traffic to their blog. That’s why Digg is that much important. When Diggers read your quality articles, they definitely lands to your blog.