Tuesday, 27 August 2013

How to Declare Blog Language in Blogger (Blogspot) Blog ?

This article focuses on declaring your blog’s language if you are on Blogger platform. Declaring a blog’s language is an important aspect of SEO (search engine optimization) as it helps search engine bots to identify your blog’s language and they don’t have to dig your site for language detection. This doesn’t possess greater SEO impact but will definitely speed up your crawling. It is significant to declare your site’s language when creating an international site or if your blog or site is in some other language. Most of the blogging platform such as Wordpress has built in language declaration functionality whereas in Blogger we have to edit our template by adding one line language declaration code. So, let’s move on to our tutorial.

Declare Blogger Language

Declaring blog’s language on Blogger
        (1)   Go to your blog’s dashboard.
        (2)   Go to ‘Template’ and then ‘edit HTML’.
        (3)   Now find the below code.
        (4)   Now add the below code just next to <html.

lang="en-US" xml:lang="en-US"
        (5)   Sample view of your template after adding the above code.

<html lang="en-US" xml:lang="en-US" b:version='2' class='v2' expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' xmlns:b='http://www.google.com/2005/gml/b' xmlns:data='http://www.google.com/2005/gml/data' xmlns:expr='http://www.google.com/2005/gml/expr'>
        (6)   Save your template and it’s done.

NOTE- The above tutorial shows how to declare your blog’s language as “English-US” if you blog in some other language, just replace “en-US” with yours code. Just visit ISO 639-1 Language Code List for different ISO language codes.

Friday, 16 August 2013

How to Fix W3C Validation Errors in Blogger (Blogspot) Blog ?

Today’s article focuses on fixing W3C validation errors in Blogger XHTML template. Bloglution has always shared quality post to make readers get most out of it in easiest ways possible. In this post we would learn to minimize those W3C validation errors, although it is nearly impossible to remove all of them but we can fix about 95% of them in no time. When I checked Bloglution for the first time I was shocked to see the results, it has 313 errors, I worked on it and reduced it to only 11 errors. Almost all Blogger templates contain hundreds of errors. These errors can cause crawl errors by search engine bots, resulting improper crawling. Also it leads to slower page loading. Most of us are unaware of these errors, and when we notice we got surprised by seeing hundreds of them. Firstly let’s take a quick look on W3C before proceeding to our tutorial.


W3C- It stands for ‘World Wide Web Consortium, the main international standards organization for the world wide web. Their ultimate aim is the improvement of online available documents for assuring quality to internet users. Secondly, complying with them reduces browsers incompatibility issues. The Markup validation service by W3C is a validator, which allows internet users to check HTML and XHTML documents for well formed markup.  Its impact on SEO is still not clear but reducing them to minimum is always a good practice which definitely benefits you. So, let’s start the tutorial.

Fixing W3C Validation Errors in Blogger

The first step towards fixing your W3C errors is to analyze them. Just go to W3Cvalidator, enter your blog’s URL and hit enter. You will be presented with your validation report with your errors and warnings count. Now you know, how many errors are there in your template. Don’t worry, follow the tutorial and you will see the difference.


    (1)   Fixing DOCTYPE DECLARATION- This is main root cause for most of the W3C errors, about 90% of your errors can be fixed by declaring it correctly. Let’s see how.
      (a)    Go to your Blog’s dashboard.
      (b)   Click on ‘Template’ and then ‘Edit HTML’.
      (c)    Find the below code using ctrl+f. This code is present between <!DOCTYPE html> and <head> section.

<html b:version='2' class='v2' expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' xmlns:b='http://www.google.com/2005/gml/b' xmlns:data='http://www.google.com/2005/gml/data' xmlns:expr='http://www.google.com/2005/gml/expr'>

      (d)   Replace the above code with the below code.

<html b:version='2' class='v2' expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' xmlns:b='http://www.google.com/2005/gml/b' xmlns:data='http://www.google.com/2005/gml/data'> <html xmlns:expr='http://www.google.com/2005/gml/expr'/>


      (e)    Remember to delete the Read more link.
      (f)    Save your template.

    (2)   Fixing Quickedits- Quickedits are another major culprit which hurdles W3C validations. Actually Blogger provides us this quickedits as a facility for editing our blog directly from the front view. You have also noticed that when you are signed in, these quickedit icons are present on the right bottom of every widget. Removing them from our template can reduce up to 30 % validation errors. For removing them:-
      (a)    Go to your blog’s dashboard.
      (b)   Click on ‘Template’ and then ‘Edit HTML’.
      (c)    Find the below two codes and delete all of them.

<b:include data='post' name='postQuickEdit'/>  
<b:include name='quickedit'/>




      (d)   Save your template.

NOTE- This code occurs multiple times in your blog depending upon the number of your widgets, remember to remove this code each time to add a widget in your blog.

    (3)   Fixing Blogger images- Fixing Blogger images refers to the addition of ALT and TITLE tags. As I have already discussed them in detail in my previous article, adding ALT tag in your images can benefit you in many ways such as better SEO which help in driving more visitors to your blog. Not only that, images without ALT tag generates XHTML errors and warnings. Just go through the below articles to understand this topic clearly.
The above mentioned methods will minimize your validations errors up to 95%. After applying the above mentioned steps, once again go to W3C validator and check errors on your blog, definitely you will be surprised by the results as few negligible errors are left. These are unavoidable errors which cannot be fixed by us. They can only be fixed by the Blogger team.

Do let us know how many of you have minimized them and by how much?

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

How to Add ALT Tag in Blogger Images For Image SEO ?

We have already seen the Importance of Image SEO for Bloggers in my previous article, whenever we start a blog, we don’t emphasize much on adding ALT and TITLE tags to our images which is not a good practice in the eyes of SEO. These ALT tags inform search engines bots about our images categories, so that they can include it in their results based on a user query. For example, suppose I uploaded a image in my blog without an ALT tag, search engine bots can discover it but are not able to categorize it, hence they would not include it in their search results but on the other hand if I had added an ALT tag to it such as “Image SEO”, then they include my image in their results whenever a user searches for images related to image SEO. This would help bloggers in getting a good amount of organic traffic. This article states a step by step guide on How we can add ALT tag in Blogger Images?
Blogger Image SEO

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Importance of Image SEO For Bloggers

Image SEO is one of the most important key factor which has to be given priority during SEO. Most of us are unaware of this important factor and ignore it when we start blogging and leave our blog images as it is, without an ALT and TITLE tag which is not a good practice in the eyes of SEO. Here at Bloglution, I always tried to make my readers understand any topic in the easiest manner possible. Today’s article talks on the importance of Image SEO and How to optimize them by adding ALT and Title Tag?

Image SEO

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Benefits of Adding a Custom Domain to Blogger (Blogspot) Blog ?

Most of us are not new with this term i.e. ‘Custom Domain’. A custom domain is nothing but a TLD (Top Level Domain) such as .com, .org, .net etc to which our subdomain redirects. There are many reasons and benefits of adding custom domain to our Blogger blog which we will discuss in this article. Most of us when starts blogging always opt for Blogger or Wordpress.com as these are free hosting content management systems and we don’t have to pay a single penny for making our blog live. These free blogging services provides us their subdomain such as domain.blogspot.com or domain.wordpress.com. These subdomains are good for startup but many bloggers keep on blogging for years on their subdomains and when they decide to go for a custom domain it’s too late. Your subdomain can harm your blogging and business performance in many ways but on the other hand a custom domain provides you with many more benefits. let’s see how.

Blogger Custom Domain

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Make Your Blogger Custom Domain Work With or Without ‘www’

So, your custom domain is not working without prefixing ‘www’ and you are getting error messsage 'Error 404, requested URL not found on server' that’s why you have landed here. Many newbie Bloggers are facing the same issue with their blogs, this simply means that there is a problem with their blog redirection or we can say that their naked domain such as bloglution.com is not redirected to www.bloglution.com. There are hundreds of solutions available over internet but you don’t have to mess up with them as Blogger provides this redirection option itself. If you try to change your Blog Address under publishing tab, Blogger wouldn’t accept it and gives you a message that ‘Blogs may not be hosted at naked domains (ex: yourdomain.com). Please add a top-level domain (www.yourdomain.com) or subdomain (blog.yourdomain.com)’. Many newbie’s try this also, but ignores the basic redirection option below it.

Blogger Tutorials

This tutorial will work only if you have added your custom domain correctly, I have written a post earlier on ‘Adding custom domain to blogger, go through it once to check if you have added it correctly. 

Monday, 5 August 2013

How to Setup Professional Email Account With Your Domain Using Google Apps ?

We have already seen that how custom domain is important for our blog and How we can add it to Blogger (Blogspot) blog?, not only that, a custom email address such as name@domain.com can add four moons to the professionalism that we got by using custom domain (for blogs). It doesn’t matter whether you are individual blogger or the owner of group of websites or own a company or enterprise, this tutorial shares a step by step guide on how we can setup Email accounts with our domain using Google Apps. This Google Apps by Google was earlier free with a limit of ten Email accounts but now Google gives only one month free trial and after that charges for every single account. I am not telling you to create one with them as you can create them with your domain registrar also, but if want to give them a try then this tutorial is for you, it offers simple user interface same as Gmail with some space limitations as every other domain registrar offers. Many companies are using this service for them as it costs equal to or slightly greater than others in the market. So, let’s move on to our tutorial.

create professional email using Google Apps

Saturday, 3 August 2013

How to Enable RSS Auto Discovery in Blogger (Blogspot) Blog ?

We all understand the importance of feeds for our blogs and whenever we talk about feeds, RSS is the first name which strikes our mind. As everyone knows about it, there is no need to go for a description but for newbie’s I want to describe it briefly.

RSS- RSS is a web feed format which is used to publish frequently updated work such as blog entries, news headlines etc. it benefits its publishers in many ways such as delivering their latest posts automatically to their readers. It benefits readers by providing latest contents from their different favorite websites at one place. There are basically two ways by which readers can subscribe to a blog’s feed, one is by entering their feed and subscribing via email and the other is by using browser feed icon. Feeds can be read by using web based or desktop based software’s popularly known as RSS reader, feed reader or Aggregator.

Enable RSS Auto Discovery

Thursday, 1 August 2013

How to Set Seeds Value in Twiends ?

Most of us know about Twiends, but I want to give a brief description for those who are new to this. 

Twiends is the leading directory of Twitter and Instagram users; it’s basically a Twitter/Instagram follower exchange program which allows everyone to grow their audience on these social networks. Twiends offers seed system in which you will get seeds if you follow others and the same seed is used when someone follows you, not only that Twiends also offers 10 daily seeds if you login daily. So, if you want to grow your audience rapidly then you have to offer more seeds such 7, 8 or 9.

Set Seeds Value in Twiends

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

How to Submit Your Website to Alexa ?

This tutorial is basically for newbie’s stating the importance of alexa and how to submit your website with them? But before moving to our tutorial, let’s have a look on Alexa and its importance. You have definitely heard many times about ‘Alexa’ and ‘Alexa rankings’ etc. so let’s see what actually they are?

Alexa and its Importance- Alexa internet, Inc is a subsidiary company of amazon.com which provides web traffic data. It is one of the best ranking tools available online. It provides various important data and statistics of every website such as global rank, country rank, backlinks, keywords and much more as it picks new domains itself. So, it’s a good idea to submit your website/blog yourself and claim your ownership. By claiming your site you can add more details such as your contact details to your website Alexa profile which would help advertisers and other people in contacting you. Website submission offers you some free services but in order to get more valuable services you have to upgrade your account to a premium one. Last but not the least you can use Alexa to compare your traffic and other stats with your competitors. Now you understand the importance of Alexa for a website.

Submit Website to Alexa

Thursday, 25 July 2013

How to Add Links in Your Comments When Commenting in Blogger ?

How to add links in comments, when commenting in Blogger (Blogspot) blog is one among the most common questions which arises in the minds of almost every blogger specially newbie’s as Blogger (Blogspot) blog doesn’t provides the option of adding hyperlinks. We have talked many times about backlinks and the best ways to build them. As we all know that blog commenting is one of the most important practices for building quality backlinks. So it’s better to put a hyperlink instead of a plain text as signature linking when posting comments. In this tutorial we would use a single piece of code which would do this job for us. So let’s see how.

Add Links in Blogger Comments

Friday, 19 July 2013

How to Add Blockquote/Code Box For Posting Codes in Blogger (Blogspot) Blog ?

Many times I had discussed the importance of ‘blog looks’ which plays an important role in increasing your blog audience, you, yourself had witnessed many times that messy blogs are ignored by visitors, instead, the blogs which have a cleaner and professional look are visited again and again. Professionalism is an important factor which have to be kept in mind when blogging as a pro blogger. This article is for those bloggers who are engaged in posting different codes on their blog whether it’s HTML, CSS or anything. Codes without blockquote look messy and unattractive like a dull diamond. This blockquote which I am going to show you is used by many pro bloggers. So, let’s see how to add it.

Blockquote for Blogger

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Wordpress Fancier Author Box Below Every Post For Blogger (Blogspot) Blog

Wordpress is the most popular blogging platform used by many professional bloggers because it has many features which are not available in others. Self hosted Wordpress provides us with a wide variety of plug-ins. One of the most famous of them is Fancier Author Box by ThematoSoup. You will find this awesome plug-in in most of the Wordpress blogs below every post. It looks very professional as compared to the older ‘Posted by’ link in Blogger. Even I also use this Author box below my posts. Not only that, it also has facebook and twitter follow buttons. So let’s see how to add it.

Wordpress Fancier Plugin for Blogger

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

How to Add Comment Policy in Blogger (Blogspot) Blog ?

We all understand the importance of comments for a blog; it works as an important organ of our blog, because without comments we are unable to get our readers feedback about our blog performance or any suggestions and requests. Connecting with your readers is one of the important key aspect behind every successful blog. We all know that every good resource contains some negativities also such as SPAM comments, comments with URL’s (comments, only for backlinks) etc. So, it’s better to have a comment policy which is shown to everyone above comment box to make your readers aware of what type of comments, they don't have to put on. Blogger provides us with this great feature, so let’s see how we can add comment policy to our Blogger (Blogspot) blog.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

How to Add Google Custom Search in Blogger (Blogspot) Blog ?

Google, that’s right. This is the first and the foremost name which strikes our mind when someone talks about search engines. Not only Bloggers and techno geek, common people are also aware of Google’s power. No one can beat Google’s searching technique. You might have observed that many top blogs uses this ‘custom search’ feature of Google. It displays relevant results which includes result from your blog. Not only searching, when it comes to earning, this custom search plays an important role as we can integrate our adsense ads in it and hence it increases our revenue. In today’s article we would learn to add Google Custom Search in Blogger, Let’s see how.

Sunday, 7 July 2013

How to Restore Your Accidentally Deleted Blogger (Blogspot) Blog ?

Your blog is accidentlly deleted by you or someone! or you are thinking of regaining a blog which you have deleted earlier.  Don’t worry here is the solution. This feature of Blogger is among one of the best features which are provided to us by Blogger. By using this, you can regain your deleted blog if it is accidentally deleted by you or any author or someone with admin rights within a second if you have deleted it recently. Blogger gives us a time period of 90 days to regain our deleted blog. Let’s see how.

Saturday, 6 July 2013

How to Delete Your Blogger (Blogspot) Blog ?

This tutorial is for those people who want to delete their Blogger (Blogspot) blog for some reasons. However, I would not prefer or advice anyone to delete their blog. The first and the foremost reason for that is when you will delete your blog, you will loose your preferred domain, if you are using blogspot subdomain. You can easily delete your Blogger blog by using ‘Blog Tools’.

There are many reasons for deleting a blog which are:-
            (1)   Changing your blog’s domain (if using Blogspot subdomain)
            (2)   Decreased Audience
            (3)   Less Informative Contents.
            (4)   Disguising Titles.
            (5)   Copied Contents
            (6)   Blog Inactivity
            (7)   Google Warnings
            (8)   DMCA Complaints

Besides the reasons listed above, there are many more blog failure reasons which tends an individual to delete his blog. If you want to delete your blog, here is the step by step guide.

NOTE- It is advised that you should follow step 5 and download your blog before deleting it.

Deleting Blogger (Blogspot) Blog
             (1)   Go to your blog’s dashboard.
             (2)   Then go to ‘Settings’ and then ‘Other’.
             (3)   Click on ‘Delete blog’ under ‘blog Tools’.

             (4)   Now you have got two options one is ‘Download Blog’ and the other is ‘Delete This Blog’.
             (5)   Choose ‘Download Blog’ to save your posts/contents which you can upload later on any blog.

             (6)   Click on ‘Delete blog’ and it’s done.

Now you have successfully deleted your Blogger (Blogspot) Blog.

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Wednesday, 3 July 2013

How to Upload Blogger Backup Files Back to Blogger ?

We have talked many times about creating Blogger backup files which is an important part of blogging, when we are using Blogger as our blogging platform. If you are new to this, you can go through my previous posts on 

When you go through the above articles you definitely understand the importance of creating Blogger backups and the complete tutorial of creating them. This article is for newbie’s stating the complete tutorial on ‘How to upload Blogger backup files into Blogger?’ Creating Blogger backups as well uploading the backup files correctly, both are of same importance if something went wrong or in case you loose your blog. You can instantly upload your files and regain your blog in some clicks.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

How to Create a Full Backup of Blogger (Blogspot) Blog ?

Creating a blog backup is an essential part of blogging, specially when you are blogging at Blogger. Blogger provides you with everything what you will need to start i.e. a best professional looking blog. Blogger is providing you with everything such as full template customization, widgets, free hosting and much more. There are much more plus points of blogger but you know no one is perfect and hence it had got some minus points also. The most common negative point is that the whole control of your blog goes in the hands of Google. So, if you lacks in following their guidelines, they will definitely going to remove your blog.

Sunday, 30 June 2013

Why One Should Backup His Blogger (Blogspot) Blog at Regular Intervals ?

As everyone knows that ‘creating backup’ means keeping your data safe at some other place, so that in case you lost your data, you can regain it anytime. In this article we are going to discuss different reasons that, why one should backup his/her blogger blog at regular intervals?

There are two main reasons for backing up your blogger blog:
           (1)   Preventing data loss if Google deletes your blog.
           (2)   For moving your blog from one blogging platform to another.

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Easiest Tutorial to Create 4 Column Footer in Blogger (Blogspot) Blog

When we talk about blogging, besides content and SEO, Blog looks and customization of our blog plays an important role in building and holding visitors in your blog. If we would give more professional and customized look to our blog, definitely we are able to direct more traffic to our blog. We have already discussed that blogger is a free platform which allows us full customizations which we would not get in free hosted Wordpress.com. You have surely visited many professional blogs which posses customized 4 column footer. 4 column footer is nothing but breaking of a single gadget layout in 4 equal halves. In this tutorial you don’t have to play with long HTML codes instead this is the simplest tutorial you ever had.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

How to Use Google's Disavow Tool ?

Google’s Disavow Tool is a tool which is used as a last resort in cleaning of your link profile or we can say removing spammy links or bad links from your site. When you go through different articles related to recovery of websites from different Google’s algorithm updates such as Penguin, which hit websites with bad or spammy links, you surely get this tool mentioned in them. As I earlier said this tool should only be used as a last resort, From last resort I mean to say that you should only use this tool if you have considerable amount of spammy or bad links and you have tried all other ways of removing them but unable to remove all. I have written a detailed article on 
Only using Google's Disavow Tool isn’t enough, firstly try Email outreach method for contacting and requesting different webmasters to remove links to your site. Use this tool with caution as this tool may harm your site’s performance. When using this tool try to be detailed as possible and confess everything.

In this article we are going to discuss How to use Google's Disavow Tool effectively?

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

How to Recover From Penguin 2.0 ?

Google’s first or we can say initial Penguin update was rolled out in April 2012, after Panda. Since then Google released many versions of Penguin. Penguin is totally different from Google Panda update as it penalizes webmasters for only thin and duplicate content, Whereas Penguin penalizes webmasters for linkspam or we can say duplicate or irrelevant link to their websites. The latest version of Penguin rolled out on 22nd May, 2013 which impacted the minds of many webmasters about how their websites are going to be affected this time by Penguin 2.0. Penguin 2.0 is much advanced and comprehensive which goes far beyond than initial Penguin or Penguin 1.0 update as Penguin 1.0 looks only for your homepage links but Penguin 2.0 will monitor your internal links as well. 

Friday, 14 June 2013

How to Add 'CNAME' And 'A' Records in Bigrock's DNS ?

Adding custom domain to our blog gives it a professional look, besides it there are many other benefits of adding custom domain early, which can be discussed later. For adding custom domain to our blog, we have to add some information which is professionally called ‘Records’ in our Domain Registrar’s DNS Management. I have already written a step by guide on 
Today’s article is for all those bloggers who have purchased their domains from ‘Bigrock’ as it is India’s biggest service provider. I have used some other registrar’s also but they charged extra amount for their DNS Management which is provided free of cost in Bigrock.

Friday, 7 June 2013

How to Import Blogger (Blogspot) Posts to Wordpress Using "Blogger Export File" ?

There are many reasons for quitting Blogger and moving to Wordpress which I have stated in my previous article.
The most important reason for quitting blogger is that it’s completely free and doesn’t have any rental options, by this I just want to make you understand that it can delete your blog anytime if you don’t follow their guidelines even if unknowingly as you are not paying a single penny for that whereas Wordpress has different paid options and many more reasons to move. I am not saying you to quit blogger but giving you the most common reason for quitting. We are here to discuss on “How to import your Blogger posts and comments to Wordpress using blogger export file?” and we all know that importing doesn’t deletes your previous blog posts but only copies them to your new Wordpress blog. You can run one or both blogs with same posts, which depends on your discretion. 

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

How to Move Your Blog From Blogger (Blogspot) to Wordpress ?

If you are using Blogger as your blogging platform but not get satisfied or finds Wordpress more interesting and user friendly or for any reason you want to leave blogger, and want to switch your blog from Blogger platform to Wordpress but hesitates in doing that thinking of its complexity or feared of loosing your posts. That’s why it takes a lot of time for bloggers like us to move from one platform to other. There are lot of reasons for moving from Blogger to Wordpress, Some basic and important reasons I have already posted in my previous article, kindly go through that once.
In this easy tutorial we will find the easiest way or we can say a step by step guide in importing your blogposts from Blogger to Wordpress with the help of importing tool which is already available with Wordpress.

Sunday, 2 June 2013

How to Add Author's Image Before Post Title in Blogger (Blogspot) Blog?

As the title itself suggests, this article is about how you can add your pic / authors image just before post title in blogger (blogspot) blog. It’s the easiest tutorial you ever had. If you are not a techie guy and don’t want to mess up with the HTML coding of your blog template then this tutorial is definitely for you. We are going to do this by just adding one line CSS code in your template. You can browse many professional bloggers blog, which contains authors pic or we can say image just before their post titles, you can take an example or demo of my blog which also contains the same thing. Adding author’s pic just before post titles not only stylify your blog but also gives it a professional look.

Let’s see how we can do this? A step by step guide.

First and the foremost, Before adding that CSS code to your blog we have to add our image to Picasa Web Albums, so that we can use our image URL in that CSS code. Another most important thing which you have to consider is the size of that image.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

5 Best Ways to Make Money by Blogging

This is my first post under the tag “Make Money”. I am not saying everyone, but most of us blogs for money but very few of us made it to the heights. That’s right, making money out of a blog sounds very easy and interesting, and why one should not blog if it can earn only by sitting at home but trust me it’s not an easy job, a lot of hard work goes into that. This article is not about why one should blog but to give them the best ways to monetize their blog if they acquired some good number of visitors to their blog. I experimented a lot on this with my other blogs. You can see that this blog doesn’t contain any ad units only because it’s a new blog and I don’t think it’s the right time to place ads.

Monday, 27 May 2013

What is Google Penguin And What are and its Functions ?

In this article, we are going to discuss and understand the basics about one of the most important Google algorithms update that is Google penguin. Many of us, when surf sites or blogs related to SEO (search engine optimization), blogging, we always get confused with these words which are Panda and Penguin or recover from panda / Penguin. When you through the article, you will gain their basics or I mean to say what actually they are? So, let’s start with Penguin itself.

Google Penguin- Google Penguin is an algorithm update as Google Panda (Panda Aimed in do wn ranking websites which provided poor user experience). Now the first question which arises in our mind is what is algorithm update? Don’t worry, I have written my previous post about “search algorithms” kindly go through it once.

What are Google Search Algorithms And Their Functions?

In this article, we are going to discuss Google search algorithm. Many of us wonder that how search on Google works. We type a keyword or phrase related to our search and hit enter and within a fraction of second, Google revert to us with best possible matches what we want. Google provides us with most relevant content according to the page rank; this page rank is associated with search algorithms. I would not go in deep about ‘how search works’ but simply wants to make you understand that what actually Google 
search algorithms means?

What are Google search algorithms?

Friday, 24 May 2013

How to Adjust / Remove Margins From Blogger (Blogspot) Blog ?

Like me, many of us started blogging by creating our blog with blogger (blogspot) blog. Blogger provides us with different template styles, live editing, current stats and much more but if you are not satisfied with your template margins or if they hampers your blog looks, If you want to adjust them or remove them completely but don’t want to mess up with your template’s html code, Then this tutorial is definitely for you as today’s tutorial is about adjusting or completely removing margins from your blogger (blogspot) blog by just adding a CSS code.
You can see my template, I don't like margins that's why i removed them.

How to adjust or remove margins between your post and tabs (Pages) section?

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

How to Check Backlinks of Your Blog ?

We have always talked on different topics regarding Backlinks in SEO category of this blog. We have understood backlinks, their definitions, types and other major details which are important with respect to SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Now today we are going to discuss different Backlinks checker tools which are available online.

Why we need backlink checker tools ? 

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

How And Why to Add "Nofollow" Attributes to a Link ?

Browsing different SEO articles on backlinks, inbound links, linkjuice etc on different blogs, You definitely come across these two words which are “dofollow” and “nofollow” as these two are very common words related to SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). I have already covered this topic, If you are new to this kindly read the below article for your better understanding.

Monday, 20 May 2013

What is Linkjuice, And What are it's Importance ?

We have covered different topics in SEO such as Backlinks, Now we have to understand another important topic of SEO, that is Linkjuice. Most of us heard this word many times reading SEO blogs, forums, blogging related article but this word sounds very confusing, till we understand it, For understanding it you must have basic knowledge of backlinks, which you can get by reading my below post.
 Now let’s come to original topic that is “Linkjuice”.

Friday, 17 May 2013

Backlinks [Case Study]

In this Case Study article we are going to discuss different aspects of Backlinks such as it’s definition, importance, types and ways to build them. so, let’s start from backlink itself.

Backlinks- In one sentence ‘Backlinks’ are defined as incoming links to our blog(website) or webpage from other websites or blogs. When someone read your article and if he liked the same and produced a content related to the same topic on their blog, they links back that content to your webpage, that’s called a backlink. Still confused, Let’s take an example suppose Mr. A writes a post in his blog about Backlinks, When Mr. B goes through that article, founds good and publishes a content related to Backlinks on his own blog, giving the link of Mr. A post. Ex- source (blogution). If we assume bloglution as another website.